Sunday, September 9, 2012

Television News and Public Opinion

The viewers of TV news are influenced by political perspectives they see on the news because political campaigners use the news and media to destroy their opponents in the election. For today's Preseidental election between Obama and Romney they agrue and bash each other all the time. They are trying to get ahead in the election. So people who are for Romney and against Obama will most likely believe anything the Republican party has to say about Romney and whatever they have to say about Obama.

 I was listening to The Bert Show one day on the way to school and they played back a speech that Michelle Obama had made the night before. It gives you a new outlook on the Obama family and mainly Michelle Obama herself.
The Bert Show on Q100 talks about Michelle Obama's DNC speech

I watch the news but I don't really care for the election, I feel like you don't really know who is running to be President unless you go to one of their meetings held. You can't really know them because the news only shows them bashing each other. So yes I feel like viewers on TV news are influenced.

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