Music is a big part of everyone's life. Whether you listen to it everyday or write songs yourself. I know for me music is sometimes used to express me feelings. It's like someone wrote the song for my mood and feelings and what I'm going through. I'm not talented enough to write my own songs so I'm glad that there are people out there who make their living off writing songs and music for other people. Because a lot of people in the world go through the same things. It's a way to express yourself and alo a way to show others that they aren't alone. Everyone experiences the same tings at some point in their lives.
In class we watched a documentary called Before the Music Dies (2007) it was about how music changes with each generation and the way music is presented in ech generation is also different. It also talked about how the images and apperance of the music singers has changed. Like their ideal music singer image is thin, beautiful/stunning, and a great voice whether it's their real voice or auto-tuned.
For example Adele is a good singer and it's her actual voice that she sings with, no auto-tune, but people don't really like her because she doesn't have the "look". Then you look at Britney Spears and she's done things wrong but people still admire her because she has the "look" even though she doesn't sing with her natural, real voice like she use to back when she first started singing.
There's shows on TV like The Voice and American Idol that have normal people come onto the shw and sing and try to be the last contestant standing to be the next big singer. I know that there was a conspiracy made about American Idol saying that people were voting for the young good-looking white males who could play guitar were the ones who kept winning American Idol. There is was all about looks about who was winning the show. As for The Voice there's four judges and they don't get to see the contestant, instead the contestant is judged only on their voice as to which judge will turn their chair around to fight for the contestant to be on their team. She appareance may become a factor in voting after the chair is already turned around but for the begining they were only judged upon their voices.
For example this is a contestant on The Voice this season who has a great voice, Cassadee Pope. For the live rounds where America gets to vote they dress her up and do her make up and hair to show her beauty, even though she's already pretty in her own way but they try to help her with appereance to get America's vote.
In today's world, our lives revolve around the internet and what's to be found on it. Most people spend a lot of their time on the internet either on social networking cites, shopping cites like ebay, or just searching google or bing. Most people nowadays probably wouldn't know how to live their lives without the internet or just technology in general. Everyone pretty much has a smartphone now and they have internet on their phones; there's also iPads, iPod touchs.
The videos I watched on youtube were Social Media Revolution and Did you know? They talk about the percentages of people how in web. Like one of the facts were 1 out 5 couples meet on an online dating site. for instance is an online dating site and things like that work for some people and doesn't work for others. The internet is just full of possibilies for different types of people.
Now take Facebook, in one of the videos it says that facebook has more daily web traffic than google. Facebook is a popular social networking site. You can pretty much find anyone and any company on facebook. It's all about searching. Now if you take Twitter and Instagram, it's like you're just taking certain parts from facebook; Twitter being the status updates and wall posts and Instagram being the pictures only. Then there's Pinterest, it's like a girls' dream world or diary on the internet and all organized into boards on the internet. The internet is always expanding and coming up with new things for people to use in their daily lives.